1.Liu T, Cheng S. Initiating an over-saturated acetate-based gel-liked electrolyte towards high-energy rechargeable aqueous Ni/Zn battery with 2.3 V-high discharge voltage. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 456: 141098. (SCI一区TOP, IF:15.1)
2.Liu T, Li K T, Wang J, et al. Achievement of a Polymer-Free KAc Gel Electrolyte for Advanced Aqueous K-Ion Battery. Energy Storage Materials, 2021,41:133-140. (SCI一区TOP, IF:17.789)
3.Liu T, Tang L, Luo H, et al. A promising water-in-salt electrolyte for aqueous based electrochemical energy storage cells with a wide potential window: highly concentrated HCOOK,Chemical Communications, 2019,55 (85), 12817-12820. (SCI一区TOP, IF:6.222)
4.Muzhipeng, Liu T(共同一作), et al. A Facile and Cost-Effective Approach to Fabricate Flexible Graphene Films for Aqueous Available Current Collectors. Carbon,2020,1701264-269. (SCI一区TOP, IF:9.594)
5.Liu T, Zhang R, One-step room-temperature exfoliation of graphite to 100% few-layer graphene with high quality and large size. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2018, 6: 8343-8348. (SCI一区TOP, IF:7.393)
6.Liu T, Zhang R, Zhang X, et al. One-step room-temperature preparation of expanded graphite. Carbon, 2017,119: 544-547. (SCI一区TOP, IF:9.594)
7.Liu T, Zhang R, A novel and facile synthesis approach for a porous carbon/graphene composite for high-performance supercapacitors. Nanotechnology, 2018, 29:095401. (SCI二区TOP, IF:3.874)
8.Liu M, Liu T, Wu W, et al. A novel and efficient approach to prepare few-Layer graphene with high quality. Materials Letters, 2018, 228: 183-186. (SCI二区TOP, IF:3.423)
9.Lan P, Liu T, Ji X, et al. Charge storage behavior and reaction mechanism of α-Fe2O3 as anodes for aqueous batteries. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 859: 157789. (SCI二区TOP, IF:5.316)
10.Liu, M, Zhang, X, Liu, T., et al. One-step chemical exfoliation of graphite to∼ 100% few-layer graphene with high quality and large size at ambient temperature. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 355, 181-185. (SCI一区TOP, IF:13.273)
11.张瑞军,刘厅.一种一步常温制备膨胀石墨的方法. 中国发明专利:ZL201710243396.6. (已授权)
12.张瑞军,刘康,刘厅,刘岩岩.一种提高碳化物衍生碳超级电容性能的方法. 中国发明专利:ZL201710243402.8. (已授权)
13.程爽,刘厅,母志鹏.一种水系电池用轻质高导石墨烯集流体及其制备方法 中国发明:ZL201910581466.8 (已授权)
15.刘厅,万远鑫,李意能等,磷酸锰铁锂材料及其制备方法和应用. 2024, 中国发明专利:CN115636402B(已授权)