1. 磷光金属-有机簇合物及其在有机发光二极管中的应用”,国家自然科学基金(92061202),参与。
1. Zhaoyi Wang; Jinyun Wang*; Liyi Zhang; Ming Yang; Xu Zhang; Zhongning Chen*. Substituent steric effect boosting phosphorescence efficiency of PtCu2 complexes. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, 8 (15), 5174-5182.
2. Zhaoyi Wang; Liyi Zhang; Linxi Shi; Liangjin Xu*; Jinyun Wang; Zhongning Chen*. Elaborate design of d8-d10 heteronuclear phosphors for ultrahigh-efficiency solution-processed OLEDs. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13 (12), 14446-14452.
3. Zhaoyi Wang; Linxi Shi; Liyi Zhang; Liangjin Xu; Jinyun Wang; Zhongning Chen*. Modulating the carrier transport of PtAg2 heteronuclear complexes to attain highly efficient OLEDs with narrow-band emission. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2021, 9 (16), 5403-5410. (Hot Paper)
4. Zhaoyi Wang; Hao Zeng; Linxi Shi; Liyi Zhang; Liangjin Xu*; Jinyun Wang; Zhongning Chen*. Solution-processed organic light-emitting diodes of yellow-emitting PtAg2 complexes with an External Quantum Efficiency of 21.7%. Energy & Fuels, 2021, 35 (23), 19132–19138.
5. Wentao Xiong; Chen Zou; Weidong Tang; Shiyu Xing; Zhaoyi Wang; Baodan Zhao*; Dawei Di*. Efficient and bright blue perovskite LEDs enabled by a carbazole-phosphonic acid interface. 2023, ACS Energy Lett. 2023, 8, 2897−2903.
6. Zhendong Cheng#, Meng Zhang#, Yan Zhang, Wenjing Qi, Zhaoyi Wang, Bodan Zhao*, Dawei Di*. Stable wide-bandgap perovskite solar cells for tandem applications. Nano Energy, 2024, 127, 109708.
7. PtM2 (M=Cu, Ag, Au)配合物及其有机发光二极管。发明人:陈忠宁;张礼仪;施林熙;王金云;王兆亿。
8. 一种刚性三膦支撑的磷光 Pt-M 配合物及其有机发光二极管。发明人:陈忠宁;张礼仪;施林熙;王金云;王兆亿。