1. 有机荧光染料构效关系
2. 分子识别与荧光探针
1. 江西省教学改革研究课题,“一驱动二结合三拓展”:应用型高校《仪器分析》课程思政探索与实践,2024-至今。
2. 江西省教育厅科技计划项目,基于螺环开关的裸眼可视化镉离子探针研究,2023-至今。
3. 吉安市科技局重点科技计划,基于RT-LAMP的新型冠状病毒裸眼/荧光双模式家用核酸检测方法研究,2021-至今。
4. 江西省自然科学基金项目,具有大斯托克斯位移性质的近红外亚砜罗丹明的构建及其生物应用,2020-2023。
5. 江西省教育厅科技计划项目,具有大斯托克斯位移性质的近红外亚砜罗丹明的研究,2019-2021。
1. Fei Deng*, Haoran Zhang, Kuan Yang, Yu Yang, Chunfang Huang, Huixian Ye, Dongsheng Sun, Xiuguang Yi, Limin Liu*. Rational design of pH probes with large Stokes shift for tracking lysosome-mitochondria interactions. Microchem. J., 2024, 197, 109772.
2. Shuang-Shuang Long*, Qing Luo, Bin-Bin Yuan, Shu-Qin Gao, Xi-Feng Zou, Ke Zeng, Fei Deng*, Ying-Wu Lin*. An acetylpyrene-based fluorescent probe for selective detection of cysteine in vitro and in lipid droplets. Deys Pigments, 2023, 220, 111688.
3. Dongsheng Sun, Shixu Yang, Junxia Ma, Can Liu, Jiabing Sun, Yulong Li, Fei Deng*. A general approach to S-rhodamines from diaryl thioethers and their application in constructing pH probes. Org. Biomol. Chem., 2022, 20, 5694-5698.
4. Fei Deng*, Dongsheng Sun, Shixu Yang, Wei Huang, Chunfang Huang, Zhaochao Xu*, Limin Liu*. Comparison of rhodamine 6G, rhodamine B and rhodamine 101 spirolactam based fluorescent probes: A case of pH detection. Spectrochim. Acta A, 2022, 268, 120662.
5. Fei Deng, Qinglong Qiao, Jin Li, Wenting Yin, Lu Miao, Xiaogang Liu*, Zhaochao Xu*. Multiple factors regulate the spirocyclization equilibrium of Si-rhodamines. J. Phys. Chem. B, 2020, 124, 7467-7474.
6. Fei Deng, Limin Liu*, Wei Huang, Chunfang Huang, Qinglong Qiao*, Zhaochao Xu*. Systematic study of synthesizing various heteroatom-substituted rhodamines from diaryl ether analogues. Spectrochim. Acta A, 2020, 240, 118466.
7. Fei Deng, Limin Liu, Qinglong Qiao*, Chunfang Huang, Lu Miao, Zhaochao Xu*. A general strategy to develop cell membrane fluorescent probes with location-and target-specific fluorogenicities: a case of a Zn2+ probe with cellular selectivity. Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 100, 15045-15048.
8. Fei Deng, Zhaochao Xu*. Heteroatom-substituted Rhodamine Dyes: Structure and Spectroscopic Properties. Chin. Chem. Lett., 2019, 30, 10, 1667-1681.