1. 导电LSCF/PES复合多孔膜的可控制备及其在电场辅助条件下的离子脱除机理研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,23.8万,201601至201812,项目负责人;
2. 超亲水二维MXene复合膜的制备及分离机理研究,中央高校基本科研业务费,10万,201701 至 201812,项目负责人;
3. 二维MXene复合膜的制备及分离机理研究,省科技厅支撑项目,6万,202001-202112,项目负责人;
4. 层间距可控超亲水二维MXene复合膜的制备及分离机理研究,省教育厅项目,3万,202001-202112,项目负责人;
5.染料敏化太阳能电池用固态电解质的研究,中国博士后基金,5万,201305 至201503,项目负责人;
7.氧化石墨烯改性对陶瓷微滤膜高效油水分离行为的作用机理研究,国家自然科学基金,39万,201701 至 202012,项目骨干;
1.一种苯酚废水的处理方法 CN201811240390.4,发明专利,第一发明人;
2.一种紫外光催化处理染料废水的方法 CN201810808498.2,发明专利,第一发明人;
3.一种对胆红素具有高吸附性能的聚酰亚胺亲和膜及其制备方法 CN201810780596.X,发明专利,第一发明人;
4.氧化石墨烯复合膜在液流电池中的应用 CN201711113762.2,发明专利,第一发明人;已授权
5.一种基于MXene的复合纳滤膜及其制备方法 CN201710327602.1,国际/国内发明专利,第一发明人;已授权
6.一种荷正电复合纳滤膜及其制备方法 CN201710329043.8,发明专利,第一发明人;
7.一种耐氯性复合纳滤膜及其制备方法 CN201710274069.7,发明专利,第一发明人;
8.一种耐溶剂纳滤膜及其制备方法 CN201710248420.5,发明专利,第一发明人;
10. 一种采用纳米金催化剂处理碱性造纸废水的方法,CN201911030131.3,发明专利,第一发明人;
11. 一种有机无机杂化膜及其制备方法,CN201911318824.2,发明专利,第一发明人。
1. Runlin Han*, Zhuohao Xiao, Effect of LSCF content on the performance of LSCF/PES mixed matrix membranes, Desalination, 2015, 359: 108-112, IF: 5.527, SCI,JCR 1区;
2. Han Runlin*, Zeng Jinghui, Wang Yongqing, Chang Qibing, Zhang Xiaozhen, Zhou Jianer, Preparation and application of positively charged quaternized chitosan/PEI composite nanofiltration membranes, Desalination and water treatment, 2014, 52:31-33, IF: 1.631, SCI,JCR2区;
3. Han Runlin*, Xiao Zhuohao, Application of integrated membrane technology in purification of chlorogenic acid, Desalination and water treatment, 2015, 55: 2165-2170, SCI, JCR2区;
4. Han Runlin*, Zhang Shouhai, Jian Xigao, Effect of electric field intensity on the performance of poly(piperazine amide) nanofiltration membranes, Desalination and water treatment, 2016, 57: 28531-28536, JCR2区;
5. Han Runlin*, Ma Xufeng, Dai Yan, Effect of Effect of electric field intensity on the performance of positively charged quaternized chitosan nanofiltration membranes, Desalination and water treatment, 87 (2017) 76–81, JCR2区;
6. Han Runlin, Teng Da, Zhao Yaoli, Jian Xigao, Zhang Shouhai*, Facile Preparation of Positively Charged and Solvent-Resistant Cellulose Acetate/LSCF Nanofiltration Membranes, Chemical engineering Technology, 2018,41, 313-318, JCR2区;
7. Runlin Han, Ma Xufeng, Xie Yongli, Teng Da, Zhang Shouhai*, Preparation of new 2D MXene/PES composite membrane with excellent hydrophilicity and high flux, RSC Advances, 2017,7, 56204-56210, JCR3区;
8. Qibin Luan, Yongli Xie, Da Teng, Runlin Han*, Shouhai Zhang, Preparation of new 2D MXene/cellulose acetate mixed matrix membrane with excellent performance, Desalination and water treatment,2018,108: 90-96, SCI,JCR 2区
9. Runlin Han*, Yongli Xie, Xufeng Ma,Crosslinked P84 copolyimide/MXene mixed matrix membrane with excellent solvent resistance and permselectivity,Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 27 (2019) 877-883,SCI,JCR3区;
10.Runlin Han*, Yuhang Zhang, Xufeng Ma, Da Teng, Yongli Xie, Qibin Luan, Preparation and application of P84 copolyimide/GO mixed matrix membrane with improved permselectivity and solvent resistance, Desalination and water treatment, 167 (2019) 183-189, SCI,JCR 2区;
11.Runlin Han* Yongli Xie, Xufeng Ma, Da Teng, Shouhai Zhang*,Xigao Jian, Preparation of poly(2,4,6-triaminopyrimidine-TMC)/P84 composite nanofiltration membrane with enhanced chlorine resistance and solvent resistance, J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2019; 94: 2838-2843, SCI,JCR 2区;
12. Runlin Han*,等. Controllable Synthesis of Mn3O4 Nanowires and Application in the Treatment of Phenol at Room Temperature, Nanomaterials.10(2020) SCI,JCR2区;
13. Runlin Han*, Yuhang Zhang, Yongli Xie,Application of Mn3O4 nanowires in the dye waste water treatment at room temperature,Separation and Purification Technology 234 (2020) 116119, JCR1区.